Past life regression

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that involves exploring a person’s memories or experiences from what are believed to be previous lives. The process typically uses hypnosis to guide individuals into a deep state of relaxation, allowing them to access subconscious memories.

Purpose and Uses:

  1. Healing: Many people seek past life regression to address unresolved issues, emotional trauma, or fears that may stem from past experiences. It can provide insights into current problems and help in healing them.
  2. Self-Discovery: It offers individuals a chance to explore their identities, uncovering patterns or themes that might have persisted across lifetimes.
  3. Spiritual Exploration: Some people pursue this practice for spiritual reasons, seeking to understand their soul’s journey and purpose.
  4. Understanding Relationships: It can help illuminate the dynamics of current relationships by revealing connections or lessons from past lives.

What to Expect:

  • A Safe Environment: Sessions typically take place in a comfortable, safe space, guided by a trained professional.
  • Relaxation: You’ll be guided into a deeply relaxed state, which may feel similar to meditation or daydreaming.
  • Memory Recall: Under hypnosis, individuals might recall vivid images, emotions, or stories from past lives.
  • Integration: After the session, there’s often a discussion to help integrate insights and experiences into your current life.

Dr. Gabi is a licensed professional who specializes in past life regression therapy. With the right qualifications and experience, Dr. Gabi provides a supportive environment for individuals seeking to explore their past lives, helping them navigate their experiences safely and meaningfully.